Source Code


Smug face, usually for texting

Dude 1;T^T
Dude 2;wHy ArE yOu LoOkInG sO sMuG hUh?

by dudewhomakesdumbdefinitions May 13, 2021


An emoticon to represent crying, often associated with 2009.

OMG that was such a sad story! T^T

by The WheeliumThe2nd Of Death August 10, 2022


When someone is really drunk but behaving in a most hilarious manner.

Jason was so wasted last night but we let it go because he was T-zip.

by NinjaFishy June 24, 2017


Shorthand hockey slang for Timekeeper, the person who operates the scoreboard and fills in the gamesheet

"Hey can you T/K tonite?"
"no im busy T/King somewhere else"

by Yukaira February 5, 2022

Willy T

A nickname given to white male rapper with serious talent.
Often considered a lump of hunk.

Whoa, that kid has some serious talent. He's the best Willy T I've ever seen!

by Fone Bone May 24, 2017


Girls who has a difficult time taking off their bra from the back because either they can't reach or they're too big.

-I feel like I'm T-'Bra'xin every damn time I'm trying unhook the last two latch.

-I'm T-'Bra'xin my way to set these girls free!!

by stonedsamurai April 13, 2016

T Rexx

someone who has a lot of trauma but it's the nicest person you'll ever meet. Also a cat dad.

Don't be a luuz be a T rexx dude

by sex with cups 3000 March 26, 2022