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rotisserie chicken

a cat which chooses to lick his balls all day long, while sticking his leg up out of pleasure. these cats are often very slow in the head

omg that cat looks like a rotisserie chicken

by little ratatouille February 26, 2020

2πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž

winner winner chicken dinner

a phrase used when won wins or anticipates a win

When he thought he had really won the lottery, he shouted winner winner chicken dinner.

by The Return of Light Joker April 24, 2008

595πŸ‘ 989πŸ‘Ž

brown chicken, brown cow

the two dirtiest animals on the farm

What are the two dirtiest animals on the farm?

bow chicka wow wow

by ohiwentthere November 7, 2011

94πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž

Chicken Sandwich Bitch (CSB)

When one whines and complains and generally acts like a crybaby. There are various ways CSB can be used in daily life, please see below.

Ex 1: β€œMan, it’s so hot. Oh, my feet hurt, can we sit down. Why do we have to walk this far, I’m tired.” β€œShut the fuck up and stop your fucking whining you Chicken Sandwich Bitch (CSB)!!!!”

Ex 2: β€œOh no, It’s raining and I forgot my umbrella in the car”. β€œWhy don’t you hold that big Chicken Sandwich over your head to keep you dry”.

Ex 3” β€œMy girlfriend just left me for my brother, I am so fucking pissed I think I might kill myself” β€œWant some mayo with that?”

Ex 4: β€œI just had the worst day ever! My boss caught me watching porn on my computer and fired me. Then I got a speeding on the way home. And I think I gots the syph” β€œChomp. Chomp. Chomp.” (This last example is most effective if you pretend to hold a chicken sandwich in your hands and then bite down on it as you make the chomping sound)

by Misuk Shawncok June 19, 2008

16πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

sweet cactus chicken jesus

1.(n) when a large cactus has grown in such a way that a chicken appears to be on top, with it's 'wings' spread as though he were crucified.

2.(excl) a expression of surprise, usually positive. can be suffixed with 'christ on a bike', for added impact/effect.

1. sorrel: 'good lord, look at that cactus!'
vinnie: 'that's a sweet cactus chicken jesus!'

2. matt: 'hey guys, we still have some beers left!'
vinnie: 'sweet cactus chicken jesus (christ on a bike)!'

by true_pictsie February 13, 2009

10πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

dookelaylee chicken men

A phrase used by random people when they are hyper, bored, happy etc

Random Girl 1: Rawr...IM A PENGUIN
Random Girl 2: And i come from the tribe of the dookelaylee chicken men.

by Rawr.xx July 28, 2007

2πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Yeung Sui Chicken

Yeung Sui in Chinglish means ugly. Chinglish is a popular internet language for people who speak Cantonese because they are too lazy to type chinese. So Yeung Sui Chicken simply means Ugly Chicken basically. Stupid term yeah? I know.
Not applicable when you're speaking to non Cantonese speaking people.

God look at you! You're such a Yeung Sui Chicken

by Chinglish Expert April 29, 2011

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž