from the show Parks & Recreation when Tom Havorford's ex wife, Wendy, goes back to Canada in season 3.
means that you have no chance of getting with someone.
A-hey that girl is pretty cute
B-yeah, well, Wendy has gone back to Canada
When you bust a nut on your partners back and another person luges it like a shot
Hey babe let’s try a back luge with Jessica
The mistake couples make when a partner sticks his penis or a lesbian uses a dildo or her fingers to penetrate the anus of a woman and then proceeds to stick the same appendage into the woman's vagina. They fail to realize that the woman's vagina will be contaminated with germs from the anus.
The lesbian porn scene was intense, but there was a front-to-back fail at the end of the scene. One of the women may need to do a heavy duty cleansing. dirty vagina, vaginal infection, unclean, wipe front to back, stinky gouch
What you tell your sweetie as a "bribe" for his groaningly getting out of da warm comfy bed to perform some trivial task for you.
Hot chick: Honey, did you plug in my cell-phone charger before we went to bed?
Weary dude: Ummmm --- I don't recall.
Hot chick: Well, could you possibly go and check?
Weary dude: Ohhhhhhh... honeeeyyyyy... do I really haaaaaaave to?!?? I'm dead-tired, and I just now FINALLY got comfortable and warmed up!
Hot chick (apologetically): I know, darling, and I am so sorry to ask you --- how 'bout this --- I'll snuggle you when you get back, so that you'll get warmed up again quicker.
Weary dude: Uhhhhh... oh, all RIGHT, Sugar-Plum --- since you put it THAT way. You really know the magic words to bribe me, don't you?
When your dog hates going for walks you carry him/ her to the end of the block and then walk back ( or scamper back) home. Applicable for other pets or small people.
Honey I'll be back really soon just taking Felix ( our dog) for a walk back.