Trading slang, means BUY / OUT
I'm selling my knife on csgo.
Price: 70$
A sad pathetic woman who pretends she cares for others whilst being a cyberbully.
Grifter Cathy O Grady Cathy is a cyberbully and a grifter
Tig o bitties is big ol titties mixed up so your parents won't know what you mean what you say when you're on the couch and receive nudes on snapchat so they come here and look at the definition I wrote.
"Carly has some tig o bitties in her bra."
typically the time that the driver is outside waiting for you
Dissing blood members, or the gang known as los trinitarios one they sets it’s called OGeezly
When a typically heroic character is reimagined in the millennial era to be defined not by their heroic achievements, feats of strength, accomplishments, or morals, but by their vagina. Transforming a once beloved character into something unrecognisable.
John: so is that new Batwoman show any good?
Julie: no way, she's another one of those her-o types
John: tragic