Guy was a pretty good HS football player but 40 years later STILL can’t stop talking about his modest accomplishments.
Joey was a decent QB in HS but NEVER went further, talks constantly about how great he was in his underwhelming a guy who lives in his glory days ” and everyone is sick and tired of his bullshit.
A guy who guzzles glizzy named john.
"Look honey, its a Penis guzzling guy named john!"
Stanker guys are when Normal Humans resist the urge to take a bath or get
Average hygiene because they aren’t athletic at all and don’t care about their life. By doing this, not only they becomes stinky, but there skin color also gradually fades to reveal a green color.
A stanker guy made the entire wallmart stinky.
A guy that really likes men and penises
Bill is a pencil type of guy.
Introducing Columbus Guys. The douchiest, self absorbed, nastiest dudes you’ll ever meet. Half of all Miami girls want to fuck them just because it’s the hype. Literally any girl, Lourdes girls, st Brendan girls, reef girls, etc... will fuck a guy from Columbus, and by any guy I mean even the ugliest motherfucker you can possibly imagine. On the bright side there are some Columbus guys who are actually really fuckin cool.
Columbus Guys
Girl 1: hey have you seen Jeremy from Columbus?!
Girl 2: the really ugly one?
Girl 1: BRO HES SO FUCKING FINE, I can just see past the ugliness
Girl 2 (normal human): girl ikyfl...