The biggest Prime Number, almost as big as your mom
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If someone holds up 2 fingers they think King Daniel is the hottest mf in the world
Did you see he/or she holding up 2 fingers? They must think King Daniel is hot.
when youre so bored you decided to write every key from left to right (including numpad) and also the shift versions of those keys.
man, im so bored, im gonna type `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+/*-qQwWeErRtTyYuUiIoOpP{}\|789+aAsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlL;:'"456zZxXcCvVbBnNmM,<.>/?123 0. into urban dictionary and see whats there!
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its a very tasty wet but its not the first one reheheheheheheh *Dies*
I pp suck 2
Tell the last person u message on insta they are sexy
Hi ur sexy
Hey thanks but u are 2
it’s May 2 right
Ye why
I was just joking lol
Tell the last person u messaged they are sexy
it’s may 2nd
Oh cool
Guess what
Ur sexy