a shorter, stout young man, who has an attraction to brosephs and loves the movie into the wild
That kid is such a joe looney...
Switching a situation around completely
Paul: Yo that guy is destroying you!
Jake: I know, but i'm gonna give it a Joe Fligadoh
100 million, but cooler.
A unit of measurement.
I thank you A Joe Rogan times over =
I thank you 100 million times over
I’ve done DMT A Joe Rogan amount of times
Absolutely fucking inting it beyond belief in every lane.
Alex was carrying the game until someone began a Joe roam and threw the game.
The morning after a night of drinking and you are moving kinda slow. Just as in the theme song for petticoat junction.
How are you feeling this morning Danny?
Man, that was a crazy night. I am feeling a bit "uncle Joe" this morning.