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joe looney

a shorter, stout young man, who has an attraction to brosephs and loves the movie into the wild

That kid is such a joe looney...

by Johnathan Benjamin Barker III June 30, 2008

joe boi

Someone who slams pussy and swags on every hoe married or not

Joe boi slammed the milf

by Fuckincup April 28, 2016

Joe Pranks

Fuck u joe

joe pranks i fucked your girl

by vincent lu May 24, 2017

Joe Fligadoh

Switching a situation around completely

Paul: Yo that guy is destroying you!
Jake: I know, but i'm gonna give it a Joe Fligadoh

by MrLittle340 September 5, 2021

A Joe Rogan

100 million, but cooler.

A unit of measurement.

I thank you A Joe Rogan times over =
I thank you 100 million times over

I’ve done DMT A Joe Rogan amount of times

by Death over eternity October 14, 2020

Joe Roam

Absolutely fucking inting it beyond belief in every lane.

Alex was carrying the game until someone began a Joe roam and threw the game.

by Hamdinner December 21, 2021

Uncle Joe

The morning after a night of drinking and you are moving kinda slow. Just as in the theme song for petticoat junction.

How are you feeling this morning Danny?

Man, that was a crazy night. I am feeling a bit "uncle Joe" this morning.

by Jackvader442 May 1, 2022