When someone or a group of people lie and make false accusations for serious crimes, including rape, pedophilia, etc in order to hide the fact that they're either doing something just as bad if not worse than the person they're accusing or trying to con people that support them in a mega grifting scheme. People that participate in such activities will also harass, guilt trip and back stab other people behind their backs while pretending to care about said person to their face. They also have a large victimization complex where they pretend that they're the victims when they get caught
Did you hear about those people that were lying and falsely accusing that kid of being a creep because of something super arbitrary and stupid?
Oh great did the Pisani-Reade effect hit the fandom?
When someone has accidentally leaked they're inappropriate pictures so when your around them you talk about it more
A man named silas leaked his tip when we are around him we talk about it like The Tip Effect
When someone is seemingly absent mentally, and acts like an NPC, but the act is theorized to be an antic disposition, and can destroy the universe if they wanted to.
Individuals seeming to be affected by The Conal Effect tend to secretly quantum jump throughout their surroundings. No mere mortal knows when or how, but the individual somehow ends up behind you.
"Hey where'd this guy come from?"
"Guys, I think he's affected by The Conal Effect."
"Oh we're done bro nice knowing you all"
To have the urge to pee on someone younger than you, mostly aimed towards the face and mouth area of the child.
A: God I really wanted to pee on Trish's face when we hung out at her house.
B: The freshman? I think you have the R.Kelly effect man.
A person that constantly talks himself up about pouncing on opportunities "hence the term panther" and making things happen , but inevitably fails to deliver and consequently snowballs into an array of broken promises and poor performances creating an effect to those around him
When Forced to drink to warm beer "The panther effect"
When a promise of delivering is not met the "The panther effect"
When I walk out the door without an umbrella and it starts raining "The panther effect"
The happa effect is a visual phenomenon in which women who are mixed Asian and Caucasian always look attractive, but guys who are mixed Asian and Caucasian do not always look attractive.
Have you seen Nathan and his sister? Perfect example of the happa effect.
When degods does something and everyone else copies it
“Did you see DeGods starting using Market Cap instead of Floor price and now every NFT does?”
“DeGods Effect”