Coágulos menstruales. Suelen acumularse en el cuerpo y salir de pronto ante cambios de presión, tales como estornudos, gases o cambios de posición corporal. Son gelatinosos y pegajosos. Ensucian todo lo que tocan.
A: Veo que te vino!
B: Qué?
A: Tenes un hilo de trumps corriendote por la pierna.
B: Mierda, tengo que cambiarme la toallita.
A: I just passed a trump the size of my thumb! BTW I'm out of tampons
A group of felons. Similar to how a group of crows is a murder, whenever a number of felons congregate together, they can be referred to as a Trump.
The trump of felons felt no shame as they continued to act in an unethical manner.
What make you think they aren't doing the same thing you're doing and talking about ME by another name you fucking retard.
Hym "How stupid are you actually? God you're fucking dim. You sure it's Trump? Not that you care. You just want him to lose."
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