To have loud hard vigorous sex
“Yo she’s fine asf I’m lowkey tryna bomb”
When you absolutely destroy a toilet to the point where it stinks the whole area in a 50 ft radius, and wrecks the toilet
“Man i just took a bomb in there”
To drive around in a car smoking Marijuana
Wanna go on a bomb ride and smoke this blunt?
Lip Bombing is the women version of a Tea Bag or Tea Bagging
Lip Bombing is the women version of a Tea Bag or Tea Bagging
"Random Person talking shit"
Woman: "Don't make me come over there & Lip Bomb you"
Random Person: "What the fuck is a Lip Bomb?"
Woman: "It's the girl version of a Tea Bag"
"Woman runs over to the 'Random Person' & slaps them in the face with her Pussy Lips"
Woman Yells: "Now that's a Lip Bomb"
When a dude named Adam farts into some chick's pussy
Adam gave his girl an Adam bomb and wouldn't stop telling us about it
The most annoying word next to appies. Who shortens appetizer?
My girlfriends mom says Bomb-diddily bomb bomb when talking about her appies