A shower where individuals non-eligible for n-word passes can say the forbidden word regardless, the sound of the showering blocking out the saying of the word.
After waiting in line at Popeyes for 15 minutes, the mild mannered office dork was in the need of a n-word shower.
an word, even trough highly offensive to black people, is mainly used by them, and they just say it for no reason most of the time
black guy: says THE n word
broi: bruh
Do not say it (unless if you have a real certified n word pass)
The N Word is Niger (the name of an actual country. I'm not kidding) with 2 gs. Don't say it.
A word that your not supposed to say if your white because the word is derogatory towards black people specifically, technically being racist
My dad: oh, look at the n word
My head: you goddamn republicans
A very racist word. Turned into a very cringy meme for normies and became a word that people thinks it's just normal to say towards end 2018
Not saddos : please PewDiePie make a meme review on this meme so it dies
bad word with bad history
the word the stupid bitches in my class won’t stop giggling about
person A “lol monkey boy monkey boy monkey boy” (white)
person B “*the n word* lol” (black)
person C “monkey boy!!” (White)
me -thinking- “shut the fuck up you annoying shits, open up your fucking biology textbooks and go to hell” (also white)
me - what I actually say - “shut up you guys are so annoying, read the room.”
Something typically only black people can say, but nowadays, everyone can say it, because why the fuck not?! The N word was originated from "Negus", which is basically an african king. And no, Lil Huddy is NOT your skinny little african king.
Black people: "Please don't say The N - Word, as it's originated from a Negus, or an African king, and is a part of African history! ( we never asked for this drama over a WORD anyways." )
Other races: How about I ✨say it anyway?✨
DISCLAIMER: Not every white, latino, mexican, or asian person can't LIVE without saying the N Word, so please don't get all defensive!