A face that has the appearance that it just got done eating shit.
A shocked grumpy face.
Damn shrek you got a poop face goin on.
of relating to a face with poop, short word for Angellina Marie Perez
Angellina Is the only poop face in the world!
a insult to people. many kids under the age of 7 use this word
The boy was being such a poop face!!
To poop in a manner that is intended as an expression of a negative feeling towards another person.
"Can you believe your ex invited you to her party after she made out with your best friend?"
"It's cool, I showed up and pretended to forgive her then found the bathroom and uncorked a rowdy hate poop and didn't flush."
a chocolate muffin that spilled on a banana
me:woahhh i wish i could get a poop naner
fightclub: yeahh me too
sworn mortal enemy of the poop doodles this terribly violent group of pks will terrorize your home and dont get us started with poop knuckle trees the sub seqquent group also this group not aloud to speak agout fridges
that poop knuckle really with that life