"Life is interesting & Stressful; Curiosity & Due Diligence is a must" (Jazz & Kelisa, 2021)
"Life is interesting & Stressful; Curiosity & Due Diligence is a must" (Jazz & Kelisa, 2021)
Life is interesting and stressful; no certainty, no expectations or plans and you are always tired and confused.
Always cover your own butt and do what you can to protect yourself because at the end of the day everyone looks out for themselves first
one bitch ass person how always trying to fuck me over
life is an asshole
Guy 1: do you like cheese?
Guy 2: as much as I like life!
Guy 1: so not a lot of then.
Life really has no meaning but there is people that love you I love you too but it really has no meaning
Rawr rawr rawr rawr dino nuggies
Tim: hey, mom what is the meaning of life
Mom: sweetie, it has no meaning
Life is just awesome and it will bring you down. But life wants you to have fun even though it can be bad. It always likes to challenge you and don’t let it bring you down
Life is a test.
For example someone extremely close to you dies and God wants see how you will take it to heart, like for example God wants to know/see if you will work hard for your future or let your past bring you down for not focusing what’s in front of you and not behind you, what I mean by that is that you should focus on your future and not in the past. Always know the past stays in the Past.
“Life is a test for you to be and become your highest self”.
This is why most or some people say never give up or keep fighting, something like that.
Life is a test.
For example someone very close to you dies and God wants to see how you will take it to heart.
“Life is a test for you to be and become your highest self”.
That’s why people say never give up.