The sexiest man on earth. Wants you to be his "leetle girl" and asks you to be his CUMSLUT!
Slice: Hello russian daddy
Russian Daddy: LEETLE GIRL
Characters (mostly main protagonists/antagonists from indie franchises) that are sexualized and simped on by a bunch of LGBTQ+ kids from tumblr.
Examples like:
Baldi - Baldi’s Basics
The Onceler - The Lorax
Bill Cypher - Gravity Falls
Black Hat - Villainous
Bendy - Bendy and the Ink Machine
Sans - Undertale
(chances of your character being a tumblr daddy can increase if your character wears a comically long top hat.)
“omg did u see that pic of rick’s hot ass on tumblr??
yass he’s such a tumblr daddy uwu”
person a: wowie! look at that daddy long noodle!
person b: you mean that snek?
person a: yeah same difference
He is very good at flirting :3 Has smexy hands. And is a fkin kid. Loves licking.
Ayye thats cryps daddy! The man with smexy hands.
Big jack daddy can describe a plethora of things. For instance, a big jack daddy can be someone who is absolutely YOLKED and spends hours on end lifting at the gym. This term can also refer to any type of microwaveable TV dinner that has a lot of meat and potatoes. Finally and most importantly, a big jack daddy is a burger at Buffalo Wild Wings, which is where this saying originated from.
1. Rachel has been lifting so hard lately. She’s starting to look like a Big Jack Daddy.
2. Hey honey! Can you pull the big jack daddy out of the fridge?
3. “I’ll take the big jack daddy please”
phrase Made popular by comedic, southern actor, Leslie Jordan, in his YouTube video.
def. - an exclamation made when you are feeling great, after a stressful or problematic moment. Or eager for attention.
Similar to flamboyant exuberance by a non-hetero man.
After passing a difficult test "Daddy, daddy watch me twirl!"
"Oh thank God, I'm not pregnant. Daddy, daddy watch me twirl!"
1👍 1👎
A fine gentleman descended from Father Duffy, who often times pushes 🅿️, and on occasion sleeps with women whilst off of the holy herb
Keath: "Yo its Daddy Duff"
Bitches: "Omg hes so hot"