A word that is forbidden from white people. rhymes with trigger
random person: I'm gonna say the n-word!
me: thats rascist you can't say that!
the n word is very bad
This word is rude to say in public, and because it's "illegal" to say this word, you can combine those next elements to actually combine alphabets to create this word in your mind Warnign: Your mind may begin to hate you
Ni- Black person: Hey what's the meaning of The N Word?
White person: * starts extremly sweating *
You're white aren't you?
Can't say the N-Word because you're white.
You know what it means, you racist! Get the fuck outta here!
Don't say the N-word! It's racist!
Dum stupid person big ugly pants
“Ahh no I forgot my car keys” “Wow bob your really acting like Doan N the penguin she’s so stupid and ugly and dum dum
(v) A situation in which the male counterpart(s) cry profusely during sexual intercourse, frequently done whilst listening to overly emotional Maroon 5 music.
I overheard Diego having the wildest throb n' sob last night after his vasectomy
When a person is tailing you very close while you are in your car and you get rustled. However you are such a BAMF that you slow right the fuck down and try to get the guy/girl to pass you (hopefully in the oncoming lane). Then when you see them turn to try and pass you, you hit the gas and drive faster than the person. If they tried to pass you in an oncoming lane, you slow the fuck down so they can't get back into lane, forcing them to come to a complete stop.
(Inspired by Shake n' Bake from Ricky Bobby)
You just pulled a Shake n' Flake!