A coping skill for those who are terrified by the sound of their poop falling into the toilet and making a slashing sound.
The Poop Bassinet is made by floating several layers of toilet paper on top of the toilet water. This creates a soft landing spot for the falling poop to be gently and most importantly, silently welcomed to the toilet water.
It’s the weirdest thing but she just can’t take a shit unless she makes a poop bassinet. She really needs professional help with her phobia.
The act of digging a small hole, then proceeding to fill that hole with a poop. After, one may or may not cover the top of the hole with more snow.
"Bobby can I use your bathroom"
"No dude, Josè is already in there"
"Where am I gonna go"
"Just go outside"
"Ok, I've never tried snow pooping"
Your on poop g 😂
I saw poop g at the prison?! For treatment of the kids
A red cooler with poop in it. Found by Brewer in the wild Okeechobee music festival camp grounds.
Hey man, check out this cooler. Oh what there’s poop in there lol
*this poop cooler is gonna make a good skrim tree offering*
The feeling you have taken a shit like this before.
Sitting on the toilet, too many wings the night before, an eerie dread of deja poop occured.
When you go to a restaurant and order a dish you know will give you the shits but you do it anyway.
Hell yes I’m ordering the chicken Alfredo I don’t even care that it gives me the déjà-poops
The shit you take the day after drinking a lot of beer.
Bob: Last night was so awesome. I drank so much beer!
Fred: Me too! I have to take the king poop now, though. I'll see you in a couple hours.
*a few hours later*
Bob: Wow, Fred. You look skinnier.