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Poop Bassinet

A coping skill for those who are terrified by the sound of their poop falling into the toilet and making a slashing sound.

The Poop Bassinet is made by floating several layers of toilet paper on top of the toilet water. This creates a soft landing spot for the falling poop to be gently and most importantly, silently welcomed to the toilet water.

It’s the weirdest thing but she just can’t take a shit unless she makes a poop bassinet. She really needs professional help with her phobia.

by Dizzy Deryn February 1, 2024

snow pooping

The act of digging a small hole, then proceeding to fill that hole with a poop. After, one may or may not cover the top of the hole with more snow.

"Bobby can I use your bathroom"

"No dude, Josè is already in there"

"Where am I gonna go"

"Just go outside"

"Ok, I've never tried snow pooping"

by GOOGLE456 December 11, 2017

Poop g

Your on poop g 😂

I saw poop g at the prison?! For treatment of the kids

by Handleithard February 28, 2019

poop cooler

A red cooler with poop in it. Found by Brewer in the wild Okeechobee music festival camp grounds.

Hey man, check out this cooler. Oh what there’s poop in there lol

*this poop cooler is gonna make a good skrim tree offering*

by Barblahey June 15, 2023

Deja poop

The feeling you have taken a shit like this before.

Sitting on the toilet, too many wings the night before, an eerie dread of deja poop occured.

by Some others random guys friend December 9, 2018


When you go to a restaurant and order a dish you know will give you the shits but you do it anyway.

Hell yes I’m ordering the chicken Alfredo I don’t even care that it gives me the déjà-poops

by JonseyJ February 26, 2022

King poop

The shit you take the day after drinking a lot of beer.

Bob: Last night was so awesome. I drank so much beer!
Fred: Me too! I have to take the king poop now, though. I'll see you in a couple hours.

*a few hours later*

Bob: Wow, Fred. You look skinnier.

by The King Shit January 26, 2012