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A&T Lover

ass and titty lover

i’m a a&t lover -travis scott

by travisscottlover@69 April 9, 2023


The song lyrics all idiotic women sing


by SpeedEclipse December 15, 2023

Rusty f@t greasy and a $l@g 😂

Freak girl she is the fattest snake who tells on you when she’s jealous she doesn’t care about anyone but herself she also likes to threaten you if she don’t do things how she wants you to do them she is a bf obsesser she will call and text ur bf if she likes then

This girl is Rusty f@t greasy and a $l@g 😂

by Bob the cool guy 🫶 June 22, 2022

Low High T

The feeling of extreme hunger after you have eaten massive amounts of food.

Bae I'm I got dat low high T.......oooof

by Bcakes June 23, 2014

Philipp T

A very nice Man who Likes feet from men or from Grand mothers

Philipp T is a sniffer

by LamaraXI November 20, 2021

Street T

Refers specifically to testosterone that is bought without a prescription.

Testosterone comes in a number of forms, the most common of which is injectable T.

Street T refers specifically to the hormone as it is used by some ftm guys (aka transmen) as well as some butches, aggressives, genderqueers and gender variant folks as part of a transition process or just because they like what it does.

Side effects can include: voice deepening, acne, genital changes, fat redistribution, body hair growth, facial changes, changes in body odor, blood pressure, and more.

Street T can be dangerous for many reasons including needle sharing and using a pre-used vial of T, but for many is the only available or affordable way to get it.

"I heard that Harry has stopped being able to afford his prescription and started using Street T."

by REL Hon May 21, 2008

Wet t-shirt competition game

When someone’s left a turd in the toilet

You put a sheet of toilet paper over it and piss on it until you see the turd through the paper

“Hey guys what did you do during lockdown?”

“We played the wet t-shirt competition game, fun for the whole family

by THeCaKEisAliE010 December 4, 2020