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chicken wing drop shot

to take a chicken wing with sauce and drop it into a beer, you then chug the beer down and when your done EAT that chicken wing broboomshakalaka that's eh good chicken wing

I wood do a chicken wing drop shot with my friends at the pub on wing night

by chicken wing-drop shot King June 20, 2013

National Chicken Nugget Day

On November 13th its national chicken nugget day where we all eat as many chicken nuggets as we want

Today is National Chicken Nugget Day buy!

by Marceline0653 April 18, 2021

Chicken Sandwich World Championship

(N.) The Chicken Fight of Nov. 5th (at 10pm on DirecTV Channel 348) involving, TC "The Golden Boy" Chicken and Spicy, "The Red Riot" Chicken.

(I wonder if they know that Burger King is just going to eat them after their Publicity Stunt is over?)

SpicyTenderCrisp applied a strangle hold to TenderCrisp at the ten minute mark, but the Ref reversed the decision and TC retained his world title over Spicy, who really wanted to step out of the shadow of TC.

by G-Union 2 November 12, 2004

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Colonel's Chicken Fun Pack

When Dane Cook wanted to play a prank, he would go to KFC and order a Colonel's Chicken Fun Pack, which is, of course, not on the menu.
This is where the "prank" part comes in.
You walk in very serius, NOT all "Gigglesfest" and you stand in front of the clerk, contemplate momentarily, or rather, give the illusion of thought in your menu choice, and say, "I'll take the Colonel's Chicken Fun Pack."
If all goes well, the clerk will be left in a state of confusion, questioning his or her manger about the non-existent food item you ordered.
In performing this skit, be prepared for strange looks, and dumb questions.

Dane : *walks into KFC* I'll take the, um...Colonel's Chicken Fun Pack.
KFC Employee : Excuse me?
Dane : The Colonel's Chicken Fun Pack.
Employee : Do you mean the laptop pack?
Dane : No.
Emlpoyee : *dumfounded* Was that a limited time offer?!

Dane : Can I have the Colonel's Chicken Fun Pack?
Employee : That is NOT on the menu.

by ThisIsKatherine May 14, 2007

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oh eh chicken peh

a phrase used to express pleasure/glee, roughly translated as 'oh yes, chicken pie.'

generally used with a hint of sarcasm.

"i did your mither last night... oh eh chicken peh!"

by :Dwhat October 31, 2008

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do you like chicken

what teenage boys who can’t pull say to lesbians minding their own business

β€œI’m gonna say some annoying shit hold on.”
β€œDo you like chicken?”

by ilovemilfs23 January 23, 2021

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fried chicken with hot sauce

The best food you could ever eat. many black people love this shit. especially with kool-aid. fried chicken with out hot sauce ? waaahh? you absolutely have to have hot sauce if you eat fried chicken

Taniqua " That fried chicken with hot sauce was hitten girlll "

Jayda " Yesssss girl! "

by Fried chick wit hot sauce December 20, 2013

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