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Life is life.you can't change it no matter what you do.for example:my life is a living hell just like everybody's.You can only change your life by the way you act so try to act different like do things I wouldn't do like:clean my room,do chores,exercise,love school,love life, etc....

Hey wats life
(◎-◎) :uhhhh a living hell duhhhhhhhhh

by (^●—●^) June 14, 2018


your mom is gay

I feel like you have life all the time

by marvim May 2, 2019


Pure Pain

Why is there Life.

by Penguinsnoodles October 25, 2022


Life consists of death and taxes.

I hate life, I'm gonna die anyway.

by NøtCyanide July 6, 2023


A sexually transmitted, terminal illness

Life can really suck sometimes

by InsertUsernameHere0589 January 4, 2021


life, What happen when a male and a female have sex life is like a disease everyone living gets it and death is the only cure.

Male: hey babe do you want to make life.

Female: Yeah lets make life.

by ahhhhhh life November 30, 2022


Something that i don't have. You don't have one either if you are reading this right now.

My life is does not exist.

by emilywhelan :) December 4, 2018