Word made by Vietnamese low life communists who use it to insult Vietnamese with pro-democracy thought
Random person: I don't think Ho Chi Minh is a god
The commie: How dare you insult our dear leader you fucking 3 sticks
the coolest person around!
they are so smart and everyone loves them
they are sooooooooooooo pretty<3
wow… i wish i was erin fisk<3, they are so cool
i love erin fisk
The 3 amedams are student doing lot of crazy and stupid things. There are 6 of them they are really amedams they look like ameds they are like the 3 musketeers.
Abbreviation for the game "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3"
Guy #1: Dude, you want to play Cod Mod 3?"
Guy #2: Huh?
Guy #1: I said do you want to play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3?
Vascor 3:16 is a definition of kicking someones ass in a video game
"Vascor 3:16 just whooped your ass"