Sanjay g tends to be a typical garbage gay, who wants to lose his dick and acquire a pussy, His aim is to get the cloud but ends up not being truthful
Sanjay G is a gay
A typical Garbage gay, who has two horns in his butt with his dick pooping on his mouth
Never cares about being truthful because he wants to be like the cloud.
Sanjay G is a gay
Rap artist from california that is based off originality and real life experiences. Known to spit nothing but the real life day to day struggle in its purist form.
Bullet g is one of ,if Not thee the realist rap artists to come out of california and america
The inventor of FILTH. Horrorcore from Richmond, CA. G-Mo has appeared on albums from Hopsin, Vinnie Paz, Twiztid & others. G-Mo first started getting attention with his Team Back Pack audition, signed to Majik Ninja Entertainment in 2016.
Hey look It’s G-Mo Skee, The last Filthbender!
All Hail G-Mo Skee! The Dark Lord Filth!
A young grandmother also a gangster
Age range 30s 40s A lady who does not look like a grandmother aka Cougar
I maybe a Grandma but I’m still a G
G##KS=g33ks capitalized
a: hahaha they r SUCH G##KS
b: the what?
a: sorry, g33ks capitalized