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Dookie Juice

A drink made out of a combination of orange juice, lemon juice, cranberry-raspberry, and Dr.Pepper.

When correctly made it should resemble a medium brown color with a red tint. Upon consumption it should feel as if it is burning through the stomachs lining. The long term effects are undocumented.

Said to be better than lean.

I love Dookie Juice🤎🤎🤎🤎😩🤎🤎🤎🤎”

by DookieJuice™ May 15, 2022

Mosier juice

An exquisite cocktail made from apple crown, cranberry juice and sprite over ice! Guaranteed to drop panties!

Mosier juice had the bitches all wet and hemo their panties!

by Dmo$ December 5, 2018

Vampire Juice

Blood as a result of mensturation

"Man, last night I went down on my girl, had to wipe the Vampire Juice off my face"

by frisbeedog13 January 10, 2020

Struggle Juice

When you mix up the last little bits of different vape juices because you don't have enough for a full tank. Known for its terrible taste and budget friendly appeal, may also be the best flavor you have ever had.

"Yeah bruh, I'm in between paychecks so I made some Struggle Juice to hold me over until I can restock"
"Jesus Christ what is in that vape? It tastes like death farted in my mouth?" "Yep, that's Struggle Juice mane"

by ElFistoRoboto August 15, 2019

jibber juice

The cum blasted from the penis after a good jibber.

His jibber juice didn't taste very good, he needs to eat more pineapple.

by jizzzzzzzo January 20, 2022

puffy juice

A mixture of blended egg whites and male semen.

I had an immaculate cup of puffy juice for breakfast.

by IKE THE DYKE September 13, 2020

Vajamba juice

Moist vaginal excrete

She’s leaking vajamba juice

by Bakubae October 22, 2019