If you searched this up you are a homo
Mom: WORD!
Me: Kill yourself
The Word you see when writing an entry on Urban Dictionary. Why are you reading this? Don't you have better things to do? Find some hobbies, go eat something, meet up with friends, don't waste your time on reading articles by strangers with brain-AIDS (including me) on the internet with nothing better to do than sit in front of the computer 24/7 and eating sweets and getting diabetes. You're still reading this? Go away!
Old slang meaning “For real?”
Also slang to show agreement
Man1: “I cheated on my gf and got the girl pregnant. She wants to keep it”
Man2: “oh… word? What are you gonna do”
Man1: “Before we leave for the beach I will stop at Starbucks”
Woman: “Word 😍”
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