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Poop Tobogan

The action of toboganning down a large slope and wiping out or falling off 1/2 down the hill but continuing to maintain downhill momentum great enough to release ones bowels during the momentum down the rest of the slope.

For really good porn, German Scheister Videos proudly presents a new segment of adult entertainment, Poop Tobogan, coming soon to a theater near you.

We were neck and neck in the race until she had a poop tobogan and crossed the finish line.

by Pitzer February 1, 2007

Office Poop-a-traitor

The office coworker who poops on a different floor or area than his/her own daily and then steals snacks from the same floor/area.

I see Ken come to the 7th floor every day at 10 am to stink up the bathroom then goes to our lunchroom to steal donuts. Ken is the office poop-a-traitor!

by AngDevilo April 16, 2018

The Ben Poop Cycle

Ben shits out his poop and then eats it. This causes Ben to shit it out and eat it repeatedly. This is what we call the Ben Poop Cycle

Ben, the ford ranger will be fine. Now go back to The Ben Poop Cycle.

by VectorsChicken November 28, 2023

Poop Butt Seggies

when you shit in a girls ass causing her to cum twice as fast, then cum in her eyes and yell "seggies time"

"yeah me and my girl had poop butt seggies it was hot"

by Pogoxman January 1, 2021

Poop Check

When paid hourly, the final check of the year received after having the dedication to take a 15 minute poop every shift of said year.

"Dude, I can't wait till Friday. I'm going to buy myself a Christmas present with my poop check. "

by Spike Speedwrentch December 4, 2013

female poop

a piece of solids coming out of a females' butt. smels rank.

Emma ran home and launched a massive load of female poop into the porcelain throne

by sthbath June 1, 2019

poop poop poop

3 heckling times!!! What is wrong with you!! DO YOUR HOMEWORK!! Read a book. Lots of things you could be doing other than LOOKING UP RANDOM THINGS ON THIS WEIRD DICTIONARY!!!

Poop poop poop” board guy
“AHHH WHAT WILL HE DO NEXT!?!?” Guy walking his dog

by March 16, 2021