When your trying to fit in a size smaller and the boobies won't stay put.
This swim suit is so snug I'm having popping outages
Beverages that are typically less than 7% alcohol, and are seen as a soft drink
U pussy ass nigga drinkin a Parnell Pops
Parnell Pops are any pussy ass drink aka anything that tastes like pop with 7% or less
Adam P Drinks His Parnell Pops, a soda with a little bit of alcohol in it
a lolipop typically containing marijuana
I just bought this doink pop we about to get dummy lit
A beer, typically in a glass bottle.
That waitress needs to hurry up with those cooly pops!
When a big girl is at the club wearing her hot pants and has camel toe and is popping her pussy while dancing.
Damn that big girl be camel popping all over this club!
A man old enough to be your grandfather that tricks on you
My Sugar pop pop just sent me money for a new Gucci bag!