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Apt Fished

Short for Apartment Fished

I.E. When the apartment you plan to move into doesn't look similar to the floor model on display.

Friend: Do you like your new apartment?

Me: The areas nice but the apartment they held for me didn't have any of the new appliances, new flooring, or the remodeled bathroom that was in their floor model. I got apt fished and it's $1200 a month.

Friend: Wow, that sucks.

Me: Yeah it does but my lease is only a year so I'll be alright.

by DMitch February 16, 2021

Fish cheeks

It is used by a horrible fortnite user

This kid is so fish cheeks

by Dylan Hayes February 21, 2021

Fish flickers

Slang term for hands(aka dick beaters)

Yo slut, wash your hands your fish flickers stink

by Branfisch March 19, 2021

Fish for the Dead

Fish for the Dead is used to describe something that smells really badly. It is abbreviated to F4TD. Most commonly used to insult someone.

When someones breath is too bad to even talk to them.

I.e. "WOW! Her breath...is disgusting! Extreme Fish For The Dead!"

by ThePogues August 29, 2006

Fish for the Dead

Fish for the Dead is used to describe something that smells really badly. It is abbreviated to F4TD. Most commonly used to insult someone.

When someones breath is too bad to even talk to them.

I.e. "WOW! Her breath...is disgusting! Extreme Fish For The Dead!"

by ThePogues August 28, 2006

Cold Fish

A weak handshake where one grasps the knuckles/fingers of a person’s hand instead of a full, in-palm hand grab.

“Hey man, nice to see you!”
*other person gives lazy handshake*
“You cold fished me man!”

by GetOlympiaBitch January 30, 2020


1.) A woman/man that applies makeup that is able to extremely alter their physical appearance so they appear more physically appealing than they actually are without makeup.

1.) My friend Kyle told me that he decided to take his date swimming for their 1st date to make sure she wasn't a MAC-Fishing/MAC-Fish underneath the pounds of makeup he seen she had applied to her face.

2.) Carlton was traumatized by Danielle after he woke up the next morning and walked pasted the mirror where she was standing. After seeing her face without makeup he thought to himself "I've got to get this woman away from me. She's MAC-Fishing/MAC-Fish. I will never get drunk and bring home another woman that wears MAC makeup or any makeup matter of factly."

by CourTahKnee April 28, 2023