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Blueberry Juice

A word competing with watermelon sugar even though it probably wont win
It is used for a party that competes with the top trending on Urban Dictionary.
The words competing with Watermelon Sugar will get clapped, or they will rise to the top.

Blueberry juice will probably start a war

Person 1: VOTE FOR BLUEBERRY JUICE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Person 2: Negative i want Watermelon sugar as trending--
Person 1: --ey if you dislike BJ you cripple for 90 years until you die

Person 2: thx boi

by Infesterra April 10, 2021

Peasant Juice


Friend: “Would you like some water?”
Me: “Hell no - I don’t drink peasant juice; get me a gin

by Icemaiden13 November 10, 2019

Fag Juice

In men’s prison meth is called Faggot Juice. It turns straight guys into straight up homos. Cause the longer you do meth, it’s guaranteed you’ll end up a pathetic turned-out cuckold; obsessed with tranny porn, while your wife and her bbc bull take turns putting the hammer down.

Scott’s been slamming that fag juice. His mom must be so proud rest her soul”

by *Jus Keep’n Shit Real* September 6, 2022

mug juice

Alternative word for Root Beer

Let’s go get delicious Mug Juice

by Lil Barnacle January 1, 2018

Nugget Juice

/ˈnəɡət jo͞os/

adj. Also known as ball gravy.

The sweaty liquid produced around a males balls during a workout, sexual activity or exposure to extreme heat, usually odoriferous in nature and collects in the scrotum area.

Its so hot outside, just checking the mail will get the nugget juice flowing!

by ParaFrogAZ December 10, 2018

Lava Juice

A bloody queef usually happening when a woman is on her period.

Girl 1: Did you here that pop? Cause that bitch just lava juiced

Girl 2: wha- (wheezes)

by bpberna November 20, 2017

Trippy juice

A very fine boy a soft niggar who is just cool who's nickname is "blaiseMFmbaegbu" if u work with a trippy juice you will become very wealthy 🤑 and prosper mf mbaegbu(trippy juice )

I had a trippy juice in my class
Why does trippy juice always get all the girls

Why are trippy juice always rich
They are always the most handsome 💓

by MF-trippy juice February 26, 2024