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clickin’ n dickin’

The act of browsing the web while at work. In other words, doing anything on your computer other than work.

Joe: work is going by so slow today
Bob: yeah man, I’ve just been clickin’ n dickin’ since 10am.

by Kshiz95 June 19, 2021

drug n bass

a. record playing at the wrong speed
b. fast forward while playind a tape

When do you stop drug n bass ?
This guitarist is playing with drug n bass.
The small mouse sings drug n bass for a fallen tooth.

by codic February 3, 2010


When you’ve become too fast, and too furious, just like those movies, but before they were a thing. King of the peanut butter gang

God damn, PB N ARB better say it wicha chest!

by Holla11 November 13, 2020

wake n bacon

The act of waking up, smoking marijuana, and eating a lot of bacon.

*Inner monologue*
Jimmy: "One time, my buddy and I wake n bacon'd. We ate four pounds of bacon after we smoked a few blunts."

by baconfarts May 21, 2014

Huff 'n Puffer

A person who has to explode regularly. Sound threatening, but really is just trying to control people through angry emotional outbursts.

Also known as a narcissist manipulators!

Once you've learned to overcome a dominating person you can think of them as a
" Huff 'n Puffer,"
And ignore their angry outbursts

by Lori's Stories February 27, 2021

Swamp ‘n a boulder

When a girl curls up so there is a divit made in her stomach and the boy jizzes in it enough to make a pool or swamp.

My girl is asking to do a swamp ‘n a boulder tonight. It’s weird dating girls from Florida.

by SWAMMMPYIE January 22, 2018

Puss n Puke

When a woman of a low, loose character, aka the neighbourhood crotch delivers more than meals on wheels to horny senior citizens. A brunette who woos and ooos old and frail men only to rid them of every penny they have. She's a dirty desperate gold digging bitch who has no friends because she's an alcoholic slut. Steals grandpa's money so she can buy designer clothes because she can't afford shit. She's a dumb slut who sucks dick for a living.

Viliki: C'mon baby, lick my pussy, that's it up and down baby, now in circular motions, stick your tongue in nice and deep, in and out, faster, fasterrr, fasteeer

Mr Leehey: Ouch, arrrrgh, I just found a set of false teeth in your vagina, yukkk, I'm going to puke

Viliki: Who cares? don't stop, quick stick your tongue in, that's a boy- Puss n Puke, Puss n Puke, Puss n Puke

by Radical, repeating decimals April 11, 2018