When you put your soft dick in sloppy joe meat.
Bro my shmeat was cold so i performed a floppy joe.
When a ping pong ball hits the edge of the table to win a point. Named after the moment when Joe Ram hit the edge of the table to win the 1971 World Table Tennis Championship after a 1 hour tie break. Coined by Johnny Leach who announced the match.
“- and he’s hit a JOE RAM BEAUTY! to end it!” -Johnny Leach
When a friend named Joe squats in a corner and a couple of guys go around on their knees trying to put their tip in Joe. This is usually seen in local gay bars.
Hey fellow faggots, lets get a little Tippin' Joe going.
A nickname you give someone who makes too many "mama" jokes, such as Joe Mama or Yo Mama jokes.
August: Who's Joe?
Damian: Joe Mama!
Ronnie: Stop being such a Yuuya Joe, loser.
A rapist and a spreader of memes and Joebola
Oh fuck, Joe Sharon is here!
A term used when you have a friend named "Joe" in a meaningless relationship with a small annoying little boy which you desperately want Joe to leave. Even though "Joe" is not in prison, he is in a relationship similar to it.
I will scream free joe until it becomes the truth