When your favorite pen gives out on you after using it for a long time.
I was in class today when my back stabbing pen bailed on me.
A "Back Alley Abortion" is the crude name for a snort of cocaine followed by a shot of Fireball whiskey. The cocaine is a pinch on the outside of the hand when making a fist, between thumb and forefinger, similar to where salt goes when doing a shot of tequilla.
Alternatively, you can dust the rim of the shotglass with the cocaine. (less common)
Nicolle has had one too many Back Alley Abortions and should really take a fucking break for a while.
When you ask a friend to review your back based on looks. It mainly a confidence booster
John asked for a back review the other day
When two people place their butts together and one of these persons farts into the others butt hole.
Last night my wife rolled over and gave me a back draft.
backwards ass crack (front butt(vagina))
back crack, back crack it’s the crack that smiles back with things and knick nacks too.
something my church does on 8/8/year
me- i have to go to the back to school blitz tomorow
Basically a dirty sanchez but only can happen in the City of Thornton, Colorado.
“Oh damn, did you hear that guy that got back door sanchezed after he ran from the laundry mat?”