When a drug addict is extremely dosed on methamphetamine (crystal, ice, speed, crank, shit, glass, etc.).
Typically this persons altered perception, and undeniably humorous state of confusion, can be a bit squirrely.
"Dude I'm fuckin hella squirreled back right now, I seriously won't sleep tonight....Fuck Man..... whatever I'll just call outta work, I'll be to fuckin bug eyed to go in and shit.... haha"
"Aisling kenny on the back wheel say mup "
"MUP vroom vroom"
When the black negro barber pushes the negro customers hairline back so hard he ages 30 years
Man my barber done fucked me up, my side-chick dont wanna fuck me no more because this negro barber pushed my hairline back
A Broke Back Bagpipe, is when you simultaneously blow air into your partners ass, after that, your partner will fart that air, back into your airway.
I introduced your mom to the Broke Back Bagpipe last night.
you know, the facebook Super Slap that you use when your trying to holla at a girl.
not even going to get into it, its an e-thing to taken sexy back at this point maybe if this werd gets blown up i'll have to add multiple examples.