also know as a juice wrld fan is always a blaise a trippy juice a very wealthy and fine playboy very fine amd rich boy always choose a trippy juice if you want a relationship or a healthy friendship trippy juice 4life
trippy juice is my boyfriend and my lover i would never wanna lose him
trippy juice is my bestfriend ohh
i wanna marry a trippy juice when i grow up
A type of spider with three eyes.
OH yeah I saw a laminated apple juice yesterday!!!
Adrenaline, especially referring to first-person shooter games.
That game really gives me headshot juice.
"Bro, when was the last time you changed the bong water?!? It tastes like charred nugget juice, dude..."
when you get high on a lot of pussy voice, and after words you talk like a hippy and feel like a gangster.
“Yeah man, i just got so high on swerve juice!”
“Even though i ain’t lesbian, i got so high on swerve juice”
all bodily fluids that have been excreted by a restrained person left by a mop in the corner a seclusion room
would you rather have a teaspoon of corner juice or… (something equally nasty)