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Scoop my poop

A saying used when being told bad news. Normally used when not taking it all that seriously

John "Cuzz umm i kind of Crashed your car"
Alex " Oh scoop my poop, U fruit loop sloute
John "While i was running over your cat"
Alex "oh poop..... wait no muffins"

by Codey willis October 27, 2009

floopy pooped

Being tired, and frustrated

Me: “ Man, I’m super floopy pooped.”

Boyfriend: “ please explain.”

Me: “im going to bed

by Aesthetic Pickle November 28, 2017

Tiddlywink Poop

1. A stupid person
2. Slang term for dumbass

Wow! That guy's such a tiddlywink poop.

by loveneverdies21 April 25, 2011

Pooped a Twinkie

to recoil in horror

When Betty came home and saw her son on the couch with a girl, she about pooped a twinkie

by Geeeeeeeee2 May 13, 2011

Scoop the poop

Doggy doo-doo scooper scoops poo-poo

I’ll scoop the poop

by Mom scoop the poop for doggy March 9, 2022

Poop Syndrome

An action that led one's feeling like a poop.

-Larry lost a pickle jar—he has a poop syndrome.

by HOLALLALALALALALA December 19, 2020

Poop Spatula

A word used to describe a nasty tasting sandwich that uses patties, used to describe horrible burgers

Eugh...this burger tastes like Poop Spatulas....

by FardMaker November 22, 2021