Life has the same feeling as a gorilla violently pulling your pubic hair, and the hair keeps regenerating every 2 seconds and there's no way to get them to stop.
A sexually transmitted disease which is contracted by 100% of people at birth. There is currently no cure, and, sadly, always results in death.
Person 1: Why won't that baby shutup?
Person 2: Man, it's got life! What do you expect?!
If you are looking for a answer for life it’s 42
Guy 1: what is the answer to life. Guy 2: oh you didn’t hear? It is 42
life is when you are alive and what happenes to you in it....
5Curtis started to push me around I didn’t care that much I just thought I had done something to make him mad so I just would sit there and take it when I was7he caught me on fire and burned my hair off I didn’t care I still loved him the next day I was hugging him and saying I love you curtis your the best big brother.8he slit my face open because I wouldn’t let him into my room.9he beat me alot he told me if mom asked I fell down the stares I said okay I still loved him I still had that big smile on my face and I still did every thing for him I still got him food and gave him my money that I got every week.10I stop loving him and my mom I stopped caring about them and I stop caring about my self I started to cut I started to want to die I stop crying when I got hurt cause I knew It did'nt do any good and I stop being nice and I said no to him one day biggest mistake I ever made so far in my life he beat me to the point that I could not move I knew if I did he would hit my agene so I just lay there with blood coming out off my nose and my ear.11curt's friend raped me and got me on weed.14okay now the bitch who never did anything to stop him and shut her door in my face and said you hafe to take care of yourself and try not to get any blood on the rug.ugh she didn’t care she never did she never asked what happened to your face theres blood all over it!I didn’t matter to her and she just did not want too admit it.
don't think you don't have enough time.
(unless its an exam, then you can rush)
deal with it.
that sucky thing you live every day. It hates you and always tries to ruin your day. They say you only live once, that is a good thing
Do you hear that? Its the sound of life trying to kill you