A specific individual who is both sexy and charming. He can effortlessly lighten your mood and make even the grumpiest girl smile. He loves all types of music and breaks out into adlib raps that rival the original lyrics. He is strong, kind, and hotheaded. He likes to tease and flirt but becomes adorably awkward when faced with "sexy time". He will knock you off your feet and try to catch you before you fall. He is a Purty Curty or Curty 2 Purty
We need a hero. Let's call Curty 2 Purty. He's the life of a party and the wet in my panties.
When you get so much more mad you decide to pull a broklynn #2 and you start telling everyone ur dating five guys and ur gonna slap everyone with ur water slapping skills and kill us all
dude i know ur mad and ur not pulling a brooklyn so that means ur pulling a brooklyn #2
Give Me The Pussy Bitch 1 2 7 3
just hand it over and let me lick it 1 2 7 3
When something shitty happens literally 2 days after something great happens. This can encompass anything really, and it’s strange how it happens so much.
Bruh, I had a great day with my gf on the 26th, but then she dumped me on the 28th because the entire relationship was the result of a fucking bet from her friends. The 2 Day Paradox is in effect huh?
Push your friend Jannel down the stairs day. Or punch a david in the arm day.
It's the day we get to hurt our friends and get away with it. :)
hey Jannel you know what day it is
Jannel: November 2? holy shit
whole class: hi david
david: fuck
Let’s all take a moment of silence for those who already failed no nut November
“Hey it’s only November 2 but did you fail no nut November yet”
November 2nd is a day to prank your friend. In any type of way . Either through person or electronics . Good luckkk
Me acting like a psycho path : BiTch PuLL uP oN NoVemBeR 2 YoU dUmB wHoRe