A slang term for snorting lines of cocaine
Yo im all geeked up from taking some lightning strikes
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political slang used in place of other more sensitive words like kill, rape, annihilate, bomb-the-shit-out-of, wage-war or decimate because it pretends it is acting in defense from another country that actually poses no real threat.
Dubya: I dont like saddam cuz he tried to keel' ma daddy. Lets...
Rice: Uh Mr. president.. (shakes her head).
Dubya: Right...I geet it (winks and thumbs up) lets
pre-emptive strike his ass!
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The act of being unfaithful as a result of fear that one's mate will someday be unfaithful.
My wife was afraid I was going to sleep with my secretary so she pulled a pre-emptive strike with the pool boy.
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What you go on when you want to see your favorite NFL team play every Sunday. It consists of a pudding only diet.
I'm on a pudding strike until I get to see the Tennessee Titans games in the Vigin Islands.
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A shit-ass game filled with messy code, retarded moderation, cheaters, and dumbass developers
Hey look Forever and Moose! I got 1,000 hours of playing Pixel Strike 3D! -vernity
“Strike the Silver” means hitting someone’s jaw, usually a gangster or hoodlum who have silver grills in their mouth. So “training to strike the silver” refers to someone who is working out to get stronger in preparation for a fight.
Gym dude: What’re you working out for?
Other gym dude: I’m training to strike the silver, man.
Gym dude: Damn, alright, good luck!
a hare-brained, living underwater-type adventure planned, usually, by a scatterbrain and that's doomed to fail from the start
if you're a scatterbrain and know it, don't plan a ninja counter-strike on your own