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tricked out

A word describing a well-equipped vehicle, place, or event. It means that something has many nice accessories.

"Jason's new car is tricked out with spinners and a sound system!"

by Jason Connatser August 27, 2004

tricked out

Fully loaded - all the extras

That vehicle is totally tricked out

by Chris August 28, 2004

Trick or trat

In reference to doing it on old Hollow's Eve

It's time to trick or trat.

by Pretzel Monster October 24, 2010

card tricks

Refers to the assordid "magic" that a moocher plays on an unsuspecting victim using financial-instrument cards of some sort, and then "pulls a disappearing act" afterwards.

One of the most common moocher's card tricks is to show your "mark" a cash/debit card beforehand, and claim that it has sufficient funds loaded onto it to cover whatever expenses you're going to rack up, but then you either "forget" the card's PIN number or "discover" that the card has either been cancelled of has insufficient funds on it to cover your shopping bill or the gas-money for the ride that your "mark" gave you.

by QuacksO August 9, 2018

the polish trick

The polish trick is when you fart through a window by opening it or if it is already opened, does not matter what height the window is as long as the fart happens through the window.

Door: Hey Crilbus, did you hear about when Atli performed the polish trick to ruin the Hogs chemo?
Crilbus: yeah, like a dog on wheels.

by Dogulator October 7, 2021

Trick Troll

Something used as a Rick roll

I don’t like that my song turned into a trick troll

by Mr. Cave July 29, 2022

Spit Trick

When you spit in your friends eyes and punch him in the balls.

You're about to get spit tricked!

by OwlTurtleMeerkat October 6, 2010