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After sex grumpy

When your partner is short-tempered or easily irritable either immediately or the next day after sex.
Also referred to as "ASG".

Hey man, whats with your partner today she seems cranky?
Oh she's got ASG!... ( After sex grumpy )

by Sirknows2little.2 July 16, 2022

After Tea Merchant


Lads: hen? Are you coming online?
Hen: after my tea
Lads: hen you’re such an “after tea merchant

by Geezer62364 January 11, 2021

After-match Smell

The tingly aroma that arises around 16:00 GMT on a Saturday afternoon once the last shower nozzle has been closed in the changing room of great football teams.

-Barman: "There it is! The after-match smell"
- Colleague: "oh aye! Spiced Amber this week!"

- Barman: "Best get 4 Guinesses and 10 Carlings on the go son!"

by Tangerine Army September 16, 2021

After-Poo Euphoria

The time period After taking an amazing dump where you feel incredible while your butthole relaxes.

You're going to have to give me a few minutes before I can do something while I am still in After-Poo Euphoria

by BURNIN13 July 30, 2023


The shaky-shaky phenomenon that puzzles the world to this day, after you take a nice warm drizzle, you shake like an earthquake and you drizzle becomes a firehose and has a velocity strong enough to take an eye out.

"Yo man, what are you doin' in here? There is pee-pee everywhere!"

"The after-pee-shivers got to me."

"Oh yea dawg im feelin ya"

by the potty theorist February 21, 2014

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Milk after the cereal

This is the right way to do it. In fact it makes your cereal more enjoyable as it helps soften the cereal slightly ,with the pressure making the milk seep into the cereal ,so it has a melting sensation when you chew on it than when it's practically dry and you chew down on it and cut your gums if you are unlucky. Yes although putting the cereal after the milk makes it look nice, You are sacrificing your cereal eating experience.Milk after the cereal.

Me: Imma go eat breakfast now!
Butthurtbeforecerealmilkperson: I WILL FRIKIN ASPHIXIATE YOU IF YOU DO THAT!?!?!1?!111?!1?!1
*Person eats dry creal* *Cuts gum* *unsavoury*
Me: Serves you right for not listening to me after I told you that pouring the Milk after

the cereal was a better idea.
*Pours milk after and gobbles it without a hitch) Milk after the cereal

by Hadley Hatchosvcka April 4, 2018

Repeat after daddy

When someone repeats the same thing you just said in a higher pitched voice

dolyn: yo whats up
micah in a higher pitched voice: yo whats up
dolyn: repeat after daddy

by johnathan pork July 12, 2023