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The type of asshole to snitch on someone after confessing to being a gay fuck

This nigga is such a Ashton

by Memenade May 1, 2022


Ashton is one of the most caring guys you'll ever have the privilege of meeting. But before you get to know him, you gotta get past his emotionless front. He's the kind of guy who doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve, but if you're lucky, you'll never have anyone more loyal, caring, and intelligent as him. He's a natural at everything he does, but music and basketball are his passions. He's a peacemaker, conflict just isn't his thing. All around, a great guy.

Caleb: he's such a great dude!

Me: he's very Ashton

by Pluto134340 January 21, 2022


Super hot dad with a 8.5 inch dong. Not only does he smoke weed but he also smokes maaaad dick

Yo that Ashton kid just smoked some and than ate some ass

by (-^-) February 7, 2019


A hot sexy human so hot Ryan remolds wont smash because hell get burned. supper cool has a pair of pit vipers and 11 inch pp. If there's an Ashton in your life then smack that man

Hey look its the hottest guy in school Ashton

by Lbozo69 April 25, 2022


A guy that will always lose a boxing match because he has the arms of a chicken.
He also pulls no women.

Ashton is a noncey guy

by The Champ Of Azerbaijan May 7, 2019



Look at ashtons lips

by 0K.B00MER December 7, 2019


Ash is the type of person that will try to help you no matter what. They are an extremely kind and caring person, no matter what they say. Ash is an all out amazing person. If your ever friends with an Ash (Ashton) make sure to stay friends with them as they are one of the best people to walk the earth. Ash always loves to dance. They always do the strangest things, which makes you want to be around them more. They are always fun to be around. If you ever encounter an Ashton, make sure to befriend them, it will be a really good decision.

Ashton is so amazing!

by DerpGod January 17, 2022