Talking non-sense. Any type of fuckery, foolishness.
Almost everything he said was straight Boom-Ba-Ba-Cha!
shared thoughts -albeit wrong -views regarding Christmas Jesus and His Posse and THE Son of God's Birthday -thoughts shared online thru text pics audio/video for all the world to see with a badsanta twist
"hey bro, your cuz' sent me a ba humblog he's a fucking serious H-Tard"
Basically just a deuce nile basing.
Dude Erm bas Nile shit am I right
Creb: type 8 9
It looks lke you are doing a mad parkour in Roblox in a phone... Hmmm not intresting.
AAA i hate this stage i- bA-tAaAAaaaaAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i fell again!!