A 90's term used to describe a gay man. A man who likes willy. Similar to 'bent'. Not the same as a yurt!!
That guy is a massive bender. (Not the same as 'my dad lived in a bender')
the correlation coefficient between a bender and a cool person is so far away fat ryan could fit him, fat amy and fat tammy in between the dots. If you associate with benders you automatically bring down your cool person ranking for you entire friendgroup, acquaintances, your family and your extended family
lucia don’t talk to him he’s a bender do you want me to kms
When Someone disappears for a day or more getting drunk and/ or high (shitfaced)
Frank: Where’ve you been Alex is 2 in the afternoon
Alex: I went on a bender last night & blacked out
To drink an excessive amount / “be bent” , without sleeping for over 24 hours.
Preferably 5-6 days.
- If you tell or flaunt about being on a bender you are automatically so so so so so lonely and need to consider death
1 - “Oi Bree you stupid cunt let’s go onna bender”
2 - “Bro that bender last weekend fucked me up”
The act of being the opposite to straight.
Aka: loving the same gender as your gender
“Sam from down the road is the biggest bender I have ever seen”
Someone who is a loser and is still a frigid or just gay
Yer man there is a right bender
In Australia, a term for doing loads of drugs over multiple days
“Hey you wanna come out this weekend?”
“No chance I’m still getting over last weeks bender.”