A guy who has a massive penis that steals another’s man’s girlfriend.
The man at the club said, “Watch out hood your girlfriend right, here comes the big dick bandit”
Chris Garza is the definition of a big Dick bandit
Alternative use of the phrase "go big or go home"
Schould not be used in family friendly matters
Family Friendly: If you go on the treadmill, go big or go home. *falls off treadmill" i guess i'll go home then.
Alternative: If you go on the treadmill, go big or suck dick. *falls off treadmill" ...
A word commonly used by Majd's. The word is used as a compliment for boosting self asteem while playing games. The words Antonym is "Lille pik" (Small dick) , which means the opposite.
Guy: I just headshotted that guy
Majd: Stor pik (Big dick)
Guy: Gets horny
2nd Guy: Gets horny as well
A boy with a large penis
Coorr girls have you seen clarky big dick yet?
Has a big dick and is a bee
I got molested by a big dick bee
He has the biggest cock threw out the lands
Bro big dick mcgee said I was cute