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Someone who is a female that is friends with a male.

When males are friends with males, they call each other Bros. So in this instance, when the friend is a male. And he has a friend that is a female that's his BRA

by Boss Waxin December 1, 2023


a place where girls hide their boobs or make them bigger.....because they are sadly flat... :(

boyfriend:your boobs are to flat go put on a bra
girlfriend(you): fine.................. :(

by FUCK_THE_FUCK_OFF November 27, 2021

house bra

The bra you wear around the house. Not necessarily worthy for public but still provides the support for home activities. May be worn down like an old t shirt.

Sure I can be ready in ten minutes. Let me just change out of my house bra and put on a real bra.

by Cmikemo October 13, 2023

squeeze up bra

it doesn't make sense to call a push up bra a PUSH up bra, cause it squeezes them together not pushes, so its squeeze up bra now.

'Omg jessica lets go squeeze up bra shopping!'

by imcoolerthanyoi June 7, 2022

Lee Ha Det Bra

A term used to describe the act of an individual or couple who does not leave a social gathering without rigorously assuring they've informed every remaining party of their pending departure and exclaimed their best wishes.

Antonym: "Irish Goodbye"

"Can I get a ride home? Person drove me here, but it will take them another 45 minutes to 'lee ha det bra'"

by njr2 July 25, 2023

ice cream bra

when a man has a massive ejaculation and splashes it on his mate's boobs

damn foo cory gave jackie an ice cream bra,pretty nasty bro

by mattbahl September 20, 2013

The Bra Section

When your at Target with your mom and you reach the bra section and your trying to look in every direction but there.

Mom: Are you looking at the bra section?!
You: What? No!

Mom: I think you were.

by thatguy942 May 8, 2018