The superior brand choice for the enlightened masses. These enlightened individuals realize that name brands and store brands are literally one and the same. The only difference is that you're paying more for the label on the can, and only suckers and conformists fall for that. Organic brands, however, trump both store and name brands. Mainly self-actualized people buy organic brands.
In summary:
organic/healthy brands > store brands > name brands
Some dude: *buys name-brand chips*
Me, an enlightened cashier: Hey, you know you can save $2 by buying the store brand alternative, right?
brand new sentence is what you say when someone texts you or says something you genuinely don't understand. whether it's bad grammar or straight up ancient messapotamian, brand new sentence means you have no idea what they mean.
tony: "wyh wiold yin dup tauh"
timmy:"brand new sentence right there"
Drug delarr
Guy - who is petrus brand
Girl- drug delarr
A person belonging to a group of higher ranking outlaws
an individual who is above the law and politics.
A person capable of calling the "shots".
"White boy"
Bob said " I said that ain't no real Brand
member. Brand member Bob only deals with brand members.
The greatest promotional merchandise company in the world.
Omg, have you heard of Fluid Branding?
Yes, I have. They are the greatest promotional merchandise company in the world!
I very frisky asda shelf stacker
That asda brand prostitute is well fit like
Double branding is when Izzy Perry and some other sluts (including Phoebe Densombe) and Mia Cronin kick boys in the nuts for wearing different type of brands at the same time except Phoebe Densombe she is just a gold digger who makes up shit and wants presents all the time
"Your double branding nuts or a slap"