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String break

That unfortunate sound when someone is playing a guitar of any kind, and right in the middle, a string snaps in half.

"That dude was killing that song until he had a string break.

by geniusonwheels February 9, 2009

40πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Breaking Bad

Breaking bad - to change from a good person to a bad person; to go crazy; to lose control of yoursef; to go from regular joe to a badass

Setting - Sunday Scool, Bible Studies

Kid 1: Hey can I date your lil' sister?
Kid 2: Dude if you touch my sister I'm going to go breaking bad on your ass, tie you up and throw you in the trunk, you know I keep trash bags with me! Never know when ya' gotta dump a nigga' off! I'll cut you up and keep you in my mattress like drug money!
Kid 1: Oh, sorry I asked
Kid 2: It's cool man...

by UpUpNAway August 14, 2013

111πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

Relationship Break

A relationship break is some times what couples need whether it’s to sort out problems and differences and spend time apart or because the relationship is becoming too much or a lot or stressful for both people in the relationship. Being on a relationship break or a break for short doesn’t mean it’s a break up it means that your spending them apart for your own reasons in hope to benefit the relationship and cause less stress and you must still be as loyal as you were when you weren’t on the break.

I think we should go on a relationship break because we’ve been arguing a lot and need to spend some time apart so we can come back even stronger.

by Thepig04 July 14, 2018

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Break the distance

A term used between online friends or people in online relationships. It’s something filled with a lot of hope but deep down you know it probably won’t happen.

β€œMaybe one day we can break the distance.”

β€œOne day,”

by Silverstarone May 15, 2018

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Salt Break

When one has an activity pertaining to salt, one must take a salt break to complete said task. Similar to rice break.

Carrying a large 40 pound (18.143695 KG) bag of salt down to ones basement door, or adding a pinch of said salt to some rather tasteless green beans, or even salting an icy road as to not slip and die all require salt breaks.

In the winter, and particularly around tasteless foods, one must have quite a few more salt breaks.

by Noah Anderson December 27, 2006

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iPod Break

Like a smoke break at , but instead of smoking you take your iPod and listen to a song you love to relieve the stress, like a cigarette does for a smoker.

Employee 1 - "Where's is Dave?"
Employee 2 - :"He went to take his daily iPod break, that what he does to relieve the stress from work, instead of smoking."
Employee 2- "Oh, weird."

by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI May 14, 2010

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Shake and Break

Phrase used to describe the action of seperating a large fecal discharge into two or more peices to faciliate flushing.

"Man, my turd felt like it an 18 inch rope--I decided to shake and break that monster so I didn't clog the bowl."

by Da Man 2010 April 5, 2010

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