Source Code

Naked Time

"naked time is only appropriate during humping or pre-hump activities, and shower time"

that's what my girl considers naked time.

by bigjohnny January 18, 2005

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Naked Nest

(n.) a smooth, shaved vagina. Often sought out by the naked bird.

1. "My cock hungry bitch shaved her beaver last night. Now the ho has a naked nest!"

2. "My naked bird was digging in her naked nest when I pulled it out and spat some love juice on it."

by CyberUrban April 13, 2005

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Naked rider

A naked woman that rides the mechanical bull at a night club or honkytonk. Often hire to do that for entertainment by the owners.

Kathy is a naked rider down at the blue horn bar.

by Deep blue 2012 November 9, 2009

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naked woman

the penis.
comes from the slang that truckers use.

That trucker's got a rubber for his naked woman.

by Deep Blue 2012 August 4, 2009

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couch naked

when you walk out to your kitchen at 4 am and you suddenly realize youre friend is completely naked on your brand new couch

oh muh god, you were completely couch naked last night!!!!

by ry jyan September 6, 2010

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Face Naked

The (sometimes permanent) period of time in which a man has no facial hair growth at all. This may be through choice (e.g. shaving) or through will of GOD!

"I shall be growing a stubble for a play I'm in next term, but for now, I'm FACE NAKED"

guy1: dude why don't you ever grow a beard?
guy2: I dunno, guess I was just born FACE NAKED
guy1: ... 0.o

by sharkbaitboy January 21, 2011

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Nake Snake

Instead of sleeping naked, which is uncivilised, you bear a snake across your private parts. This acts as a boundary layer to prevent profanities in compromising situations, and because snakes are cold blooded it keeps you cool.

Lad 1: Man it's so hot, I wish I could sleep naked but I don't want you to see my knockers.

Lad 2: Well maybe you should grab that snake over there and give the Nake Snake a go.

by NippleMuffins July 24, 2018

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