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Canada's History

Canada's History is often analogous with 'anal sex' due to Canada being the largest producer of natural uranium in the world. As we all know, uranium originated in Uranus, the planet, and was passed down to the Americas (considering North America speaks for the planet Earth) through space capsules that carry minerals like pigeons carry babies to expecting mothers. As we know, Uranus often reminds us of 'anal sex', and by extension, so does Canada, the asshole of the universe. Stephen Colbert approves this message on his February 4, 2010 episode.

Susie: You took it up my back alley yesterday, why would you want more?

Pepe: What can I say? I can't get enough of Canada's History.

by The Planet Pluto February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

A sex act which consists of plunging moose antlers into two different women with a bottle of maple syrup in your ass as you dunk your balls in the stanley cup while getting blown by a hockey player with no front teeth.

i got totally wasted and ended up canada's historying in the back of a bar in toronto

by garbageman2012 February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

The sexual act of sticking the head of a retarded midget dipped in maple syrup into the anus or vagina.

I keep that midget locked in the closet because your mom likes getting Canada's history

by twofoot February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

A horrible sexual act involving 5 french speaking lumberjacks from Canada. The act involves all participating Canadians to cover themselves in scalding maple syrup, slathering it upon all areas and orifices of their bodies. Moose antlers are then used as giant dildos which can accomodate more than one Canadian at a time. These rough boney moose ticklers are quite rough and rectal bleeding is quite common. To finish this sexual act one Canadian is chosen at random to be bashed in the skull with the Stanley cup, subsequently rendering him unconcious, while the others ejaculate all over his bloody syrup covered body. The yelling of the phrase "Aye" is also common by the participating ejaculators.

The Canadian magazine "The Beaver" renamed itself to "Canada's History" to avoid online porn filters...How did they not know what It really meant...

by The Lumberjack Raper February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

The sexual act of pouring maple syrup on your balls then waiting out side for some type of woodland critter to lick the syrup off your balls and then cum into the Stanley cup and mix it with maple syrup and repeat.

guy 1: Dude i just got a Canada's history by a squirrel \
guy 2: Aww man! I got mine from polar bear.

by ushouldtryit February 7, 2010

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Canada's History

n. An intricately ritualized, traditional and jaw-droppingly depraved Canuckian sex act which involves the following elements:
An hermaphrodite, the Stanley Cup, a bull moose and two pre-op transgender wannabe shemales balancing on a dog sled pulled by three dozen shaved beavers. The transgenders lube up their puckering loveholes with copious amounts of genuine grade-A maple syrup and both proceed to simultaneously mount his/her respective moose antler and fuck the shit out of it. The hermaphrodite then allows him/her self to be skullfucked by both shemales in his/her turn and giving a foot job to the shemale who is not concurrently being blown. After greedily scarfing down their cum, the hermaphrodite vomits it into the Stanley Cup, halts the sled and slaughters a half dozen of the shaved beavers and collects their blood in the Stanley Cup. He/she then uses half the blood/cum mixture to lube up the moose's asshole and fucks it; then uses the other half to lube up his/her own ass so as to take the stud's hefty load inside his/her ass. (During this time, the two shemales drink one pint of maple syrup to boost their languishing energy.) Then, the two aspiring shemales fuck in the ass or "beaver", according to his/her choice, the remaining two and a half dozen shaved beavers and then bite off and ingest whole, their heads one by one after filling them each nearly to bursting with cum so that their little beaver eyes are practically begging for a swift and merciful death.

Say there, Bullwinkle, you've got some fine antlers. How would you feel about doing a Canada's History with me and my two close friends?

by anhistory February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

The sad excuse that is Canadian military domination.

Proud American: Look at Canada's History...

More American: Yeah, Canada is just America's hat.

by exsess February 5, 2010