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social coin

The sum total of your assets permitting you to attract a close friend or mate, including, i.e. beauty, fitness, wealth, sense of humor, etc.

John thought he could get Judy as a girlfriend but he didn't have the social coin to do so.

by Ethelred July 4, 2015

Jungle Bridge Coin

Taint Dogecoin.

I invested my life savings into Jungle Bridge Coin (JBC), taint looking good boys.

by Fizzle Juice January 29, 2021

Play Coins

The name of a type of currency on the Nintendo DS. They can be used on games such as Mii Plaza and Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

You earn one token per 100 steps you take with your DS in hand (on sleep mode, so the device is still powered on), and you can earn 10 coins each day. Another method of gaining coins would be to shake your device to simulate the motion of walking.

I'm so excited to get home from school! I have a lot of play coins, so I'll buy some fortune cookies in New Leaf to get some special items.

by >> Nagito Komaeda << June 1, 2019

Dad Coin

A valuable minted coin made from pure dad ashes

Dude did you bring the dad coins?
Alright here's your weed

by TreyOutwoman April 9, 2013

gumball coin

A quarter.

I need to sort out these gumball coins.

by Ereck Flowers August 18, 2018

Coin Slot

Coin Slot is a female vagina/pussy. it is called this because they look very similar and can both have things like coins put inside of them

jess:Woah%20Becca,%20you%20have%20a%20great%20coin%20slot!!%0ABecca%3AThanks,%20you%20too%20jess.%0AJess%3Awell%20i%20should%20get%20going%20now%20you%20filled%20my%20coin%20slot%20up%20and%20i%20am%20very%20done.%0ABecca%3AOkay!%20hope%20u%20had%20a%20great%20time Coin Slot

by badbishhhpussy March 18, 2024

coin size

The size of a woman’s areola in comparison to the size of a coin.

Him: What’s your coin size?
Her: The areola is about the size of a nickel.

by Bearded Paratrooper December 10, 2017