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Choon dawg

Choon dawg- a choon dawg is a sweat pig of a whore. The kind of whore that tosses salads, tickles the balls and swallows the gravy.

That girl is such a choon dawg.

by Dirtneck September 12, 2014

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star dawg

Sticky shit weed

You got any star dawg mush

by 420mush July 9, 2022

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crazy, trustworthy, friend, funny, weird, nothing like her kinda girl

Yo Am-Dawg! Where you at?!

by alertnarcoleptic June 23, 2008

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Secks Dawg

Similar to sex kitten just the male version. Can be used to discribe anyone who is hot.

Damn, that guy is a secks dawg, negro.

by carly March 25, 2005

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corn dawg

alex's pimpin nick name

me: wat up corn dawg
alex: nuttin yo

by Kevin February 6, 2005

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E Dawged

Producing extrodinary results in an examination.

I studied so hard and it paid off - I E Dawged the test!

by I Money October 15, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

horn dawg

the word horn dawg comes from the latin word, hornh-dawg-aye which means:one who penetrates a male or female dog in the pooper.

I'm so fucking horny......... I think I'll go be a horn dawg with that huskie...

by poo-jar-o-mally November 29, 2004

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