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crippling depression

Severe depression that takes over your whole life making unbearable to carry out basic daily tasks.

Mom- "Can you take the trash out?"
You- "I can't, I have crippling depression."

by ReptilianBrotherhood May 2, 2016

1499👍 174👎

Fake Depression

Fake Depression is usually common amongst quirky edgy teenagers, primarily girls, who post sad VHS edits of Bart Simpson, or anything related, on their Instagram/Snapchat stories with the caption "pls no one talk to me" or "pls someone just end me" or even "wow this is so me" for attention. While also hurting people who are actually Depressed by making them feel even more bad about themselves and having a harder time to cope with their mental disorder. Fake Depressed teens usually act like this because their parents didn't buy them that new Iphone or they immediately broke up with their new boyfriend/girlfriend after being together for a day, and they think their life is hard.

Jake: Everytime I'm with Emma she looks like she's sad, why does she always act like this? :(

Olivia: Naaah OMEGALUL, that dumbass bitch aint sad, she just has fake depression for attention and clout.
Jake: Aaahh I see, well then fuck that dumbass.

by RippityRS October 2, 2019

72👍 6👎

newtmas depression

caused by the love of newt & thomas, leaves you feeling halfway happy, halfway sad. symptoms include heartaches, migraines, uncontrollable crying, seizures, mental breakdowns, fast heartbeat, trouble breathing, losing sleep. recovery time takes about 3 years but some may never recover.

after watching "The Death Cure", I suffered a terrible newtmas depression

by newtsh00k March 23, 2018

44👍 2👎

Bellarke depression

Being so upset that The 100 writers can't make Bellarke happen, but they have the best chemistry ever

I have Bellarke depression.

by Alec Lightwood March 11, 2018

depressed bart

most of the time a youtube “edit” of bart simpson in his depressed stage and sometimes people have bart wearing supreme or him with tattoos as their profile photo or maybe him looking sad with a vhs filter over it whatever i just said it really annoys me

me:bro have you seen those annoying depressed bart people?
my mind because i don’t have friends:Y E S GET THEM AWAY

by DummyHead234 April 5, 2019

40👍 2👎

Fake depressed

Fake Depression is when a teenager (mostly girls between the ages of 12-15) pretends to be diagnosed with the very serious mental illness called depression in hopes getting attention. These girl will usually post pictures of themselves or other images with captions claiming that they want to end their lives or wanting to ‘end it all’ when really they just want others to take pity on them and sulk about how terrible their amazing life is. Spotting a fake depressed person is easy so please if you suspect someone you know might be this annoying blob of a person please these symptoms below
. Listening to ‘emo music’ and Billie Eilish

. Constantly taking about how bad their life is (usually people with depression don’t tell anyone about it)
. Posting on instagram with sad captions
. Complain that they have no friends (when really they have more than you)
. When talking about cliques or what famous character in a movie they are like they will usually pick the sad/emo/weird one

These people are some of the most disgusting people on the planet

Brittney :" omg like, I have know friends and everything in my life sucks right now and I just want to die"
Sam : " do I know you?"
Brittney : " no, nobody does because everyone hates me"
Also Brittney: "omg I’m so fat and ugly"
Sam : " shut up you fake depressed twelvie"

by Gavin’s crocs July 14, 2019

94👍 11👎

depression bulb

A light bulb that does not emit light but instead emits darkness therefore causes depression in people.

I turned on the light and my soul was emptied because it's a depression bulb.

by AgentG36K July 25, 2018